Although the awareness of healthy eating is increasing, the most popular dish of Polish cuisine seems to be the pork chop with potatoes and salad. Many of us consider sweets, coffee, bread and flour products to be consumed in excess. Sugar is, unfortunately, one of the basic ingredients of our diet. We are talking about sugar, both consciously added to sweeten drinks or cakes, as well as that hidden in hundreds of eaten products. One of the main causes of bad habits of Poles are incorrect eating habits that were established during childhood. It is also influenced by the fast pace of life and the high availability of fast food. Fruit and vegetables are much less common on our table. The situation is improved by the summer season, when we eat twice as much, but it is still not enough.

Looking at how strongly we have ingrained habits and preferences to eat high-calorie, sweetened products, only one question arises: Will we be able to change our habits as a nation?
I am of good cheer and believe that it is only a matter of time, a short time. We will understand that changing our food preferences is a change for the better and we do not have to give up the satisfaction of cooking, being together at the table together, feasting, as is our custom and tradition.